The Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year is almost over! For information on important dates and what you can do to be ready for the end of year period, be sure to check out our handy 'FBT - All You Need To Know' information page.


Not-for-profit, Disability and Aged Care

Nearly half our clients operate in this sector, giving us a deep understanding of your needs.

a carer helping an elderly woman
Popular benefits
Other benefits

Help maximise employees’ income with salary packaging 

As an aged care provider, research institution or other not-for-profit employer, your tax status means employees can access some of the most generous salary packaging benefits available. We understand the specifics and can help you offer maximum value to employees. 

Reduce tax for employees, maximise take-home income 
Strengthen recruitment and retention  
An experienced partner for simple delivery 
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Other benefits you could offer

Below are some of the benefits you could offer – there could be many more.


Whether saving for their first home or counting down to retirement, salary sacrificing super can move employees closer to their financial goals while helping them save on tax. 

Holiday accommodation & venue hire

Employees could claim for holiday accommodation costs, and even party or wedding expenses.

Portable electronic devices

Staying connected costs less by salary packaging devices used mainly for work, like a tablet, phone or laptop.2

Financial and taxation advice

Help employees save on the costs of professional advice to help them increase their wealth and achieve their financial goals.

Investment loan interest

Employees may be able to salary package interest costs on an investment loan if that loan is used for income-producing purposes like shares or property.

Car parking

Certain employers in the Healthcare, Not-for-profit, Disability and Aged care industries can offer parking in approved car parking stations as a salary packaging benefit. 

Remote area benefits

Those who live and work in an area the ATO classes as ‘remote’,3 may be able to salary package house-buying costs, mortgage interest or rent.

We're here to help


Will Smart help educate our employees about benefits available to them and how to access these?
What happens if an employee with a novated lease ends their employment?
Could offering salary packaging help us achieve our ESG goals?

Visit Smart FAQs for more answers

Important information

This is general information only. Before entering into any salary packaging or novated leasing arrangement, employees should consider their own objectives, financial situation and needs, and seek appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon their own particular circumstances. The availability of benefits is determined by the employer. Conditions and fees apply. Smartsalary Pty Ltd, ABN 24 096 796 100, a SmartTM company.


Employees who salary package meal entertainment could also claim for holiday accommodation costs, and even party or wedding expenses.


  1. There’s a cap across Meal entertainment, Holiday Accommodation and Venue Hire benefits of $2,650 per FBT year (1 April –31 March). Eligibility for the Holiday Accommodation and Venue Hire benefit is dependent on industry and employer.  

  2. A portable electronic device can only be salary packaged if it is used primarily (over 50%) for work purposes. Tax savings achieved through salary packaging will depend on an employee’s income tax bracket and personal circumstances.

  3. The ATO website lists ‘remote area’ towns. Visit this ATO page to see areas which qualify as ‘remote’. Like all salary packaged items, income tax deductions can’t be claimed on packaged remote area expenses. Smart is unable to make rent, mortgage interest, or utility payments on an employee’s behalf – salary packaged amounts will be reimbursed to an employee’s nominated bank account.