Explore benefits available to help you maximise your tax savings.
Smartsalary helps over 180,000 employees across Australia enjoy more of their salary through salary packaging.
Simply put, salary packaging allows you to pay for certain items with your pre-tax salary, which means you could pay less tax and keep more of your income.
Salary packaging a car lease can save you thousands of dollars a year and now with the electric vehicle discount making eligible EVs* exempt from Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), you can save even more. Use our calculator to check out your savings.
Better still, as an employee of Aurizon you'll receive discounted interest rates on your car's finance through a Smart novated lease.
If you live and work in an area the ATO classes as 'remote', you may be able to salary package house-buying costs, mortgage interest, rent and even holiday travel.
Salary package your portable electronic devices each FBT year, when the device is used primarily for work.
Choose to salary package your laptop or tablet and mobile phone.
As a Smart™ customer, you get access to a range of additional rewards on top of the benefits you salary package. These include discounts on some of Australia’s leading brands and access to our financial wellness partners’ services, all at no extra cost.