
How to stay safe on the roads this summer

Follow these five tips for the best experience on Australia's roads this summer.

Kid in sunglasses sitting in car boot

04 December 2024

And so, summer is finally upon us. Long days at the beach, road trips with the family, parties, and forgetting about work for a while. Good times. But you only have to watch the news to see the flipside – holiday road incidents. We're constantly reminded of the need to take plenty of breaks, but there are other risks waiting to catch drivers off guard during the summer months. Here are five to watch out for.

1. Look sharp

Summer is peak season for all sorts of pursuits, so you need to be mindful there will be more bicycles and motorbikes – plus boats and caravans being towed – on the roads than at other times. Suffice to say, you need to be able to see properly. However, this can be tricky in summer, with its glaring sunrises and sunsets, not to mention swathes of insects that turn your windscreen into a messy kaleidoscope. To minimise the chance of vision issues contributing to an accident, keep a set of sunglasses in the car and make sure your windscreen washer is always filled, not just with water, but with a solution that will cut through bugs and road grime.

2. Check all your tyres

Summer might not deliver high rainfall across much of the country but when it does, days or weeks of accumulated grease, fuel and grime can rise up to make the road surface dangerously slick. If it doesn’t bucket down and wash the road clean, it can be more perilous than the wettest winter conditions, so your tyres need to be in tip-top shape. And don’t forget the spare tyre if your car has one... a 40-degree scorcher is not the time to discover it’s flat, perished or dangerously low on tread.

3. Wear appropriate footwear

Thongs carry the risk of slipping or getting caught in the pedals. Mum or Dad might have told that you’re not allowed to drive in bare feet but there’s nothing in the rules that says you can’t (although this rule may change if you’re involved in an accident)*. A good tip is to keep a pair of more suitable shoes in the car as a backup.

4. Know where you're going

Where once we grappled with maps, now satellite navigation guides us. But sometimes, an over-reliance on technology can lead to risky last-minute turns. Familiarise yourself with the route before leaving so you’re not surprised on the move. If it looks like you might miss a crucial turn, relax – the sat nav will eventually get you back on track.

5. Don't overload your car

When it comes to a summer road trip, it’s likely you’ll have a long list of items on your packing list. However, it’s crucial to avoid overloading your vehicle. Overloading can compromise safety by affecting the car’s handling and increasing the risk of accidents. Make sure to pack wisely and distribute the weight evenly to ensure a safe journey for you and your family.

Whenever you take to the road, it's vital you have support in the event of breakdown or misadventure. Are you covered with nationwide, 24/7 roadside assistance? Smart novated leasing customers can add our roadside assistance (provided by NRMA) to their account for a small fee. Smart roadside assistance comes with support for battery issues, flat tyres and engine trouble. Plus, you can also get help if you lock your keys in the car, need emergency fuel or you're having trouble with a trailer (up to 5.7m long).

By following these summer safe driving tips, we hope you have a safer and more enjoyable journey for you and your loved ones. Stay vigilant, plan ahead, and make the most of your summer adventures. Safe travels!

Source: *Drive article: Is it illegal to drive barefoot in Australia?