

Long or short distances, personal or business use – however you drive, enjoy peace of mind that you and your car are protected.

Closeup of a man driving a car in the city

A range of cover options

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Vero Comprehensive Insurance

If you have a novated lease you must have comprehensive insurance for the car. Our partner, VERO, offers the cover you’d expect plus a lot more.

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Lease Protection Insurance

If you’re unable to work for a long period, your lease payments can be covered.

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Tyre & Wheel Protection Insurance

Insure against accidental and malicious damage and get back on the road with the least possible hassle.

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Total Loss Benefit Insurance

Get cash compensation for lost personal items and other expenses if your car is assessed as a write-off.

Important information

This is general information only. Before entering into any salary packaging or novated leasing arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and seek appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. The availability of benefits is determined by your employer. Conditions and fees apply. Smartsalary Pty Ltd, ABN 24 096 796 100, a SmartTM company.