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Novated lease calculator

Use the calculator now to find out how much you could save with a novated lease from Smartᵀᴹ.

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How does the novated lease calculator work? 

You choose a car, then go through a few simple steps to refine choices like variant and colour, add accessories and insurance, and adjust running cost budgets if needed. Estimated tax savings and novated lease payments are updated and shown as you go.

You can compare cars and create quotes for different makes and models, save them, then apply for finance once you’ve made your decision.

Front wheel and side panel of charging electric vehicle

Calculate your savings now

Discover just how much you could save with your next car. You can get instant results with the novated lease calculator, and it's simple to use. Start calculating and see how much further you could stretch your budget today.

Person using the Smart novated lease calculator on their phone.

Novated lease calculator FAQs

Is the calculator for EVs and petrol cars?
Does the calculator factor in running costs?
Can I apply for finance using the novated lease calculator?

Visit Smart FAQs for more answers

Important information

This is general information only. Before entering into any salary packaging or novated leasing arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and seek appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. The availability of benefits is determined by your employer. Conditions and fees apply. Smartsalary Pty Ltd, ABN 24 096 796 100, a Smart™ company.

The calculator does not constitute financial or personal advice or a binding offer or quotation and should not be relied upon by users. Smart accepts no responsibility for reliance on the calculations provided. Images shown are for illustrative purposes only and may not depict the exact car that the calculations have been based on.